MorphSurf is a company that designs and manufactures adaptable sports products since 2015. After having validated our first product concept during the start of 2019, we launched our first model, the Mini Morph Collapsible Surfboard, into the market at the end of 2019.
Based in Surf City, California (Huntington Beach), we are perfectly located in an area with a broad industrial background, by the sea and with a dominate surfing culture.
Our multidisciplinary team, each with different technical specializations, was able to develop the project from scratch until the last detail was finalized for machining. From industrial design and mechanical engineering to the industrial manufacturing of our collapsible surfboard, we were there every step.
At MorphSurf we believe that our product(s) will help advance our sport. We are starting with the production of the World’s first true collapsible surfboard, soon followed by other models. MorphSurf’s aim is to offer the surf industry another design and engineering perspective, utilizing today’s technologies and hybrid sustainable materials that will help advance the future of surfboard design and surfboard manufacturing.
The World's First True Collapsible Surfboard?
collapsible or col·laps·a·ble [ kuh-lap-suh-buh l ] - capable of collapsing or of being collapsed, as for carrying or storing.
We believe that our collapsible surfboard is the World’s First Truly Collapsible surfboard as more than 90% of it’s construction collapses and the board is an actual functional surfboard on par with those made traditionally with fiberglass and PU blanks. We understand that this is an opinion open to objection so we leave this for you to decide.