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Portable Surfboard Makes Waves with its Innovative Modular Surfboard System

Portable Surfboard

Its been a long time coming, but we are proud to announce that our new portable surfboard (dubbed the Mini Morph) is now officially in a line-up near you. Conceptualized more than 5 years ago, almost to the day, the new Mini Morph Collapsible Surfboard today is a reality. Completely original and innovative, this modular surfboard system design makes portability an issue of the past. And the best is yet to come! With the announcement for plans of a collapsible longboard version on the horizon, planning that next surf trip maybe in order… Think of the possible savings a Modular Surfboard could bring while traveling? This also could be a great point used while trying to convince a significant other that the purchase is necessary. The long-board version will expand to 9′ feet and will be based on the same collapsible system as the mini morph. For more information about the collapsible longboard or the available mini morph portable surfboard, contact us.

Video demonstration also in the works, subscribe to our YouTube YouTube MorphSurf Channel for updates…

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