Shipping & Returns


  • Customs taxes are responsibility of the buyer.
  • We ship both domestic and internationally.
  • The shipping & handling will be calculated and paid before the shipping of the products to assure best quote possible. We will provide an estimate at the time of placing the order. If we are unable to provide an accurate shipping cost at time of order you’ll be contacted directly by a service representative with the correct shipping charge before any item(s) are shipped. You may cancel your order at this time as well.
  • A slight delivery delay may occur if production/logistics unexpected delays occur.
  • Order cancellations need to be within 72 hours of placing an order to be observed.
  • For expedited shipping method or service, please inquire directly for a quote before placing your order.
  • If your shipment arrives at your door damaged please contact us right away for a full, no-hassle refund or exchange.
  • By default we ship via FedEx Ground Service for all domestic shipments and DHL/USPS for international. If you prefer a specific carrier please contact us directly before placing your order.


If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, you may return it for a full-refund within 14-days of receiving the purchase. Just return it to our address with the original packaging and we’ll refund your money within 72-hours. If after the 14 day return period and you would still like to return your purchase, a 15% restocking fee may apply depending on reason(s) for the return.

Worldwide Shipping